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News & Events

Epiphany Lutheran Church meets every Sunday morning at 10 am for Divine Service. Everyone is invited to hear the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ, including college students and visitors and newcomers to the area. We partake of the Lord's Supper during each Sunday service. Visitors are asked to review our communion statement, and those who wish to commune with us are kindly asked to talk the pastor before the service. 


Meeting Place for Divine Service


Epiphany Lutheran Church is currently meeting at the pastor's home, south of Tuscaloosa near the intersection of Hwy 69 and Patriot Parkway.  Contact the pastor by email on the "Contact Us" page for directions.  Divine Service is at 10 am.



Small Catechism at your fingertips

​Online edition

Now Luther's Small Catechism can be accessed from any electronic device that can access the internet.  Whether it be a smart phone, tablet, desktop computer, whatever, all you need to do is click the link below.    The Catechism will automatically adjust to the screen size of your device.  Concordia Publishing House has made it available for public use.  The Small Catechism can also be accessed from our Links page, along with Luther's Large Catechism and other Lutheran Confessional documents, included in the Book of Concord.


Free Bible Study Resources

​​Available Online

There are a number of helpful Bible study resources available online now and most of them are free.  In many cases an upgraded version is available for a small monthly charge.  The resources can be viewed online from the provider's website with a browser on a computer, tablet, or smart phone.  Some of them also have downloadable applications that allow you to view Bible translations online or offline. Nearly every translation is available to read, and you can even listen to many of them. is a favorite because multiple translations can be viewed alongside each other for comparison.  The text can be viewed at various font sizes and the site has a good print feature as well.  Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation,  also offers a free phone app from which you can read or listen to the text of many translations.  See the Links page for links to this website and some others like it.


The Bible Project

​​Graphic Study Aids

The Bible Project, a non-profit organization, offers unique graphic Bible study aids and resources such as posters, study guides, and fully animated videos for nearly every book of the Bible. The free resources can be viewed online from their website with a browser on a computer, tablet, or smart phone, and many are downloadable. They can also be viewed from the Bible Project's YouTube site.  The Project's worthy mission is to help people see the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.  Exploring this theme, they focus on each book's overarching themes and literary design.  The ongoing project intends to cover every book of the Bible ultimately.  The discerning Lutheran will notice they profess a Reformed theology and will need to adjust accordingly. They can especially be helpful to people who learn better from such graphic tools.


Christians and Pandemics

​​Lessons from Martin Luther

A pandemic is certainly nothing new in this world.  Many come and go without much attention.  The current coronavirus has received a lot of attention and much of it instills fear in the mind and hearts of people.  How is a Christian to deal with such fear and adversity.  In the midst of a deadly plague in Europe in 1527, Martin Luther wrote an insightful letter to his fellow pastors, instructing and encouraging Christians in the Word of God and faith. The title is, "Whether One May Flee from a Deadly Plague."  He covers many related issues and is still helpful today.  Open the PDF document below.  It includes an introduction that puts it in historic context. 


We Must Obey God Rather Than Men

​​The Church Under Civil Government Orders During the Pandemic

These are trying times for the Church around the world, within each nation, within each congregation, and within each heart.  And though we can't see or touch our Savior Jesus, He is ever mindful of us, and faithful and merciful.  We are His sheep, and He is our Good Shepherd.  We know this for sure from His Word and His daily care of us through that Word and the Holy Spirit, which He so graciously bestows on us.  Despite the chaos we see and feel in this world, He is still all-powerful, all-knowing, the Lord of lords, and God of gods!  Jesus is LORD!  Jesus is Yahweh!  And all that that means.  And it all means He is our Savior and our Life!  And nothing--not one thing in heaven or on earth or under the earth--can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Savior!  On account of Him we are always victorious, we always walk in triumph!  Always!  Even in death. His love for us is so great that He wishes all would come to knowledge of Him as Savior and the repentance that brings new life.  Thus, He puts off Judgement Day, so that more may hear the Gospel and be saved.  And to that end He sustains and empowers His beloved Church in this world--this world that so violently hates him and his Church.  He sustains and empowers His Church to keep preaching the Gospel for the sake of the Elect, so that both those in the Church already and those who will hear the Gospel and join its holy fellowship will know Him and the eternal Life He freely gives.  The Good News of Jesus Christ is our life and health and well-being!  It's not essential to the world, of course, but it is essential to us.  When the civil government allows abortion clinics and liquor stores to remain open and allows protesters and rioters to endlessly congregate as "essential" activities and rights, but orders churches to close or severely restricts it's meetings, something is very, very wrong.  For God, our Father and Savior, tells us and we know from experience that the meeting of His Church and the administration of His Word are essential for us and our lives.  Thus, we must obey God rather than man.  John MacArthur, a Protestant pastor in California, describes the situation well in a sermon linked below.  Everyone is encouraged to watch, listen, or read it, and then share it with others.  Peace and mercy to you from the One who died and rose again for you.  He calls you "my beloved."  Stand firm in Him.  You will not be disappointed. 

© 2014 by Epiphany Lutheran Church, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Created with

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